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Buddy Rodgers was born in Augsburg, Germany, but transitioned from jungen to young'un when his parents repatriated to Georgia two years later. His mother carried him to painting and ceramic studios as they moved around Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia, and he picked up bad habits that had him doodling on all of his elementary school handouts. Between naps and socializing, Rodgers spent the rest of his school years drawing, and ended up in summer school to earn a high school diploma. He slept on couches as a studio musician for five years, until the fateful day he followed a blonde in bell bottom jeans into the Jacksonville State University art department where he graduated with a BFA in 2002. The Smokey Mountains called, and he spent a year at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts before leaving for US Air Force Basic Military Training in time to celebrate New Years 2004 with a new haircut. As a Visual Information Specialist in the US Air Force, he traveled the world, created numerous public displays, websites, and training products in Asia, Europe, and the Continental United States. He now illustrates manuals for the US Army at Ft Benning, GA, and drinks too much coffee.

About Buddy

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